Wednesday, August 13th, 2014 at 2:34 am | Image
pixiv is basically the Japanese DeviantArt, full of talented artists I’d never have heard of otherwise. I picked up Udon’s Pixiv Almanac last year at PAX East and I craved more. I’m now subscribed to pixiv Top Weekly – Top 20 which gives a good balance of quality and quantity. Other pixiv feeds are available at PixivRss. If people like this post, I may do some more like this in the future.
You can click each image below to visit its posting on pixiv. If you register an account there, you can download the full resolution image. Also, this is a good time to remind you that I write mouseover text for almost every image on this blog, which you can see whether you’re on my site or reading my RSS feed.
Saturday (土曜日) by hpknight (嗨P)
Hanasaki Ecological (花咲エコロジカ) by Tsurukame (鶴亀)
Wolf Hood (オオカミずきん) by Ling (靈)
Taisho 103: Battleship Island (大正一〇三年・軍艦島) by Asano (浅野)
E-can (E缶) by Gashi Gashi (ガしガし)
UPDATE: Added Google Translate-based guesses for all titles and usernames to bring this more in line with my other pixiv posts
UPDATE 2: Gashi Gashi posted that last animation as a GIF on Tumblr, so it’s here now.
Source: 「土曜日」/「嗨P」のイラスト [pixiv], 「花咲エコロジカ」/「鶴亀@1日目H-45b」のイラスト [pixiv], 「オオカミずきん」/「靈」のイラスト [pixiv], 「大正一〇三年・軍艦島」/「浅野」のイラスト [pixiv], and 「E缶」/「ガしガし」のイラスト [pixiv], mostly via pixiv每周排行 – 前50