When foraging for /r/FloatingIsFun content, sometimes I find something with a special mass appeal. Katrina Yu is a crazy talented photomanipulation artist that loves levitation. This gallery on Bored Panda features her as a witch going about her daily life. There’s plenty more from her on Reddit, Behance, Flickr, Tumblr, Instagram, and Redbubble. Have you […]
ofsparrows: tfw your folks replace the (perfectly serviceable!!!) old hoover with a roomba and you don’t have a god damn clue how you’re gonna fly the thing ETA: so i tried out a few suggestions in the tags and (PRINT!🌇) There’s no going back to how things used to be, for better or worse. It’s […]
The tree is up, the lights are on, the presents are wrapped, and it’s Christmas Day. I might even get to take a nap for a few hours before things get started. pixiv’s Christmas tag is used way more than I expected, even on pixiv Spotlight. Happy holidays, everyone! Source: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=47611488 (「れいまりさんた」/「鳥成」のイラスト [pixiv]) via filtering […]
Time for another dual-monitor desktop wallpaper with a lot going on. pixiv artist John Hathway puts on some Susumu Hirasawa music and draws Mahocho, a vertical city of magic users that use flying brooms, rockets, and jetpacks to get around. The scale is so big you need a fisheye lens to see it all. Oh, […]
pixiv is basically the Japanese DeviantArt, full of talented artists I’d never have heard of otherwise. I picked up Udon’s Pixiv Almanac last year at PAX East and I craved more. I’m now subscribed to pixiv Top Weekly – Top 20 which gives a good balance of quality and quantity. Other pixiv feeds are available […]