Sometimes, SiIvaGunner’s crack team of mashup artists goes beyond the memes and makes something that’s really good on its own. This one combines Hideki Naganuma’s The Concept of Love from Jet Set Radio Future, Mariya Takeuchi’s Plastic Love from YouTube recommendations, and a few other songs. This was made for the final round of SiIvaGunner’s […]
I tried to make a model of myself based on the closest celebrity lookalike I know, Ashton Kutcher, and adjusting it so it looks kinda like me in non-realistic styles. Dalle2Anime on Twitter gave me great tips for key words and including an artist name. I’ve had previous success in 2-step uncropping to make good-looking […]
Oh cool, Bill Wurtz just popped up in my YouTube feed! Time for me to step away from my subreddit about floaty things for a minute and post this to my old social media places! I’ve been a huge gamer my whole life. Though recent changes have taken priority over games, I still play Wordle, […]
In only one week, @TASNoContext speedran becoming my new favorite Twitter account. TASVideos publisher EZGames69 posts short clips of old games freaking out when they receive frame-perfect sequences of gamepad input. Already, the tool-assisted madness has consumed Contra III, Sonic 2 and 3, Pokémon Yellow, UMK3, Donkey Kong 64, and dozens more. Edit: In less […]
Oh boy, it’s a Mega Man! The Mega Man games always have rockin’ soundtracks. Krzysztof “MET” Słowikowski made metal covers of every game in the entire classic series, some of the X games, and some other random stuff. Source: Krzysztof Słowikowski via searching for the Mega Man II Game Boy soundtrack