The House of Hitstun

Posts Tagged “NSFW language”

Highraiser – Just Warming Up

Posted on July 24th, 2020 by Hitstun

30-Day Video Game Music Challenge (Super Hard Mode) Day 7: Music from an indie game From Butterflies – Episode 1: Rudies (Windows, 2018) Grab this game on to warm up for Bomb Rush Cyberfunk. Leave it to the fans to faithfully carry on Jet Set Radio’s legacy. Source: Highraiser and YouTube, challenge by OverClocked […]

Pretend This Didn’t Happen

Posted on March 12th, 2020 by Hitstun

The world just keeps self-destructing. Did you plan to go to school, watch sports, or attend events? Too bad; it’s all cancelled for the rest of March. At least podcasts still work and Columbus improv comedy scene has one. Season 2 is now online featuring the lovely Jiko and the rest of Brainstorm. Put on […]

Mystery Skulls Animated

Posted on October 16th, 2018 by Hitstun

Mystery Ben makes animated music videos for Mystery Skulls songs. Ghost could have been a simple Scooby Doo parody, but every second seems to have important details for TV Tropes to analyze. This attracted a far bigger fandom than the official live action music video, prompting Mystery Ben to continue the series… With the success […]

My Pandora Radio Stations

Posted on September 7th, 2017 by Hitstun

Pandora is still the best at finding music that is musically similar to other tracks you like. With a little patience and a little luck, it’s possible to train Pandora to hit all the right notes. I listen to a lot of different music so I have a list of stations for whatever I feel […]

Bill Wurtz – history of the entire world, i guess

Posted on May 11th, 2017 by Hitstun

Bill Wurtz followed up on his history of japan video with history of the entire world, i guess. It concisely covers the formation of the universe, the beginnings of life on Earth, and all of human civilization in a wonderful 20 minute acid trip. So, um, I left the title of the video in all […]