The 8-Bit Big Band plays memorable video game tunes arranged for their incredible New York orchestra from the Before Times. I’m really vibing to this, so it’s a natural fit for this blog’s music pantheon. Source: The 8-Bit Big Band and YouTube and Bandcamp via andyTHPS Community Tournament #2
ofsparrows: tfw your folks replace the (perfectly serviceable!!!) old hoover with a roomba and you don’t have a god damn clue how you’re gonna fly the thing ETA: so i tried out a few suggestions in the tags and (PRINT!🌇) There’s no going back to how things used to be, for better or worse. It’s […]
I have news on my highly anticipated, long delayed project! Jiko and I got engaged under the blood moon! I can’t wait for more magic and adventures with the love of my life and our family. I wouldn’t have it any other way. Source: Jiko
Mystery Ben makes animated music videos for Mystery Skulls songs. Ghost could have been a simple Scooby Doo parody, but every second seems to have important details for TV Tropes to analyze. This attracted a far bigger fandom than the official live action music video, prompting Mystery Ben to continue the series… With the success […]
Beakman’s World was my favorite science show growing up, so when I heard Beakman himself appeared in a fan remake, I already knew I was reblogging it. Captain Disillusion nails the goofy vibe of the show while dropping the debunking knowledge and showing off his professional video effects skills. Somehow, he keeps this up level […]