At Floating Is Fun, we play around with things that float in the air, real or fantasy, and it doesn’t take much work for me. If prolonged loss of contact with the floor sounds like a good time, come on in and give us a push!
ofsparrows: tfw your folks replace the (perfectly serviceable!!!) old hoover with a roomba and you don’t have a god damn clue how you’re gonna fly the thing ETA: so i tried out a few suggestions in the tags and (PRINT!🌇) There’s no going back to how things used to be, for better or worse. It’s […]
Hi, Internet! I apologize; I’ve been pretty glitchy lately and things have been crazy, what with the weddings and holidays and conventions and all. My cross-posting pipeline is broken so I have to write the same posts four times. That’s too much work! My stream is erratic, too, but I’ve been experimenting with to […]
I have news on my highly anticipated, long delayed project! Jiko and I got engaged under the blood moon! I can’t wait for more magic and adventures with the love of my life and our family. I wouldn’t have it any other way. Source: Jiko
Hi, blog! It’s been a couple months! I almost forgot how to do these posts. Yuumei, designer of the original Cat Ear headphones, painted some musical instruments made of glass. I wonder how they would sound. Crystal flutes exist, and I imagine string instruments would sound pretty normal too. When hitting a drum with water […]