While looking around on pixiv and adding bookmarks, I found out that good artists tend to have really good bookmarks of their own. This is how I find stuff like Anime Galactus destroying some planets. Also, things that users tag as “Futsukushii”, “Hisense”, and “Click Recommended” are usually great picks, and this one has all […]
I like these music posts, so here’s another one. Laibach is a Slovenian martial industrial band that has been active since 1980 and are known for their cover songs adapted to their own dark totalitarian style. This one from their NATO album has 1994 Yugoslav war themes and 1994 CG to match. Source: Laibach – […]
UPDATE: Voltan’s video is gone, so I’ve replaced it with another montage from Destroy All Podcasts that seems to include the same clips. Uh oh, I got too distracted by PAX East, Tetris victories, and Sayonara Umihara Kawase that I almost forgot I have a blog and a good video to post to it. Zeta […]
Our federal government couldn’t get their act together and agree on a budget before today’s deadline. Now vital federal services have lost funding and the global economy will suffer for it. If you’re in the US and your Congressmen come up for re-election, remember this shutdown and fire everyone involved. Source: Gravity trailer mashup: Government […]