Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 Random Team Generator 2.2b-H4
This is a work in progress replacement for the old team generator which has been taken offline. This is Hitstun's modification of RadicalEdward101's generator 2.2b to fit which is now dead and we switched to the CFG group on Facebook.
Click the first box to turn off a character. Click any of the three following boxes to turn off a specific assist type.
If all assist types are turned off for a character, a random assist will be given anyway.
Variety Mode is now in Beta! Variety Mode will put more variety in the character selection. Please note that variety mode is not true randomization.
Allow Duplicates
No Duplicates
Variety Modebeta!

Shuma-Gorath αβγ
Blackheart αβγ Iron Man αβγ Silver Samurai αβγ
Cable αβγ Juggernaut αβγ Spider-Man αβγ
Capt.America αβγ Magneto αβγ Spiral αβγ
Colossus αβγ Marrow αβγ Storm αβγ
Cyclops αβγ Omega Red αβγ Thanos αβγ
Doctor Doom αβγ Psylocke αβγ Venom αβγ
Gambit αβγ Rogue αβγ War Machine αβγ
Hulk αβγ Sabretooth αβγ Wolverine αβγ
Iceman αβγ Sentinel αβγ Wolverine (B) αβγ
Morrigan αβγ
Akuma αβγ Dhalsim αβγ Roll αβγ
Amingo αβγ Felicia αβγ Ruby Heart αβγ
Anakaris αβγ Guile αβγ Ryu αβγ
B.B. Hood αβγ Hayato αβγ Sakura αβγ
Cammy αβγ Jill αβγ Servbot αβγ
Capt.Commando αβγ Jin αβγ Sonson αβγ
Charlie αβγ Ken αβγ Strider Hiryu αβγ
Chun-Li αβγ M. Bison αβγ T. Bonne αβγ
Dan αβγ Megaman αβγ Zangief αβγ

Click the following buttons to remove specific character sets.
This page designed and encoded by "Radical" Edward "101" Modecki-Mellett. Modifications by Jonathan "Hitstun" Landis. Original concept by BujaX.
Copyright 2010 Edward Modecki-Mellett. Modifications Copyright 2010 Jonathan Landis. This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License